10 day Easter retreat 13 -22 April 2017 Tiger Training
Tiger training is a new type of spiritual adventure for 30-55ers that will deeply enhance your physical, emotional & spiritual well-being.
This retreat offers 9 full days of immersion in new practices that reignite your vitality, passion and creative wisdom. Two experienced guides from Switzerland, Madelon Evers & Kilian Raetzo,
share 20 years of experience on a path they playfully call „Tao of the Tiger“. The Tiger is a symbol of calm and power. Tao means living into your true Nature, letting go of all that no longer serves you. Tiger training develops both feminine and masculine qualities; it is playful, gentle, confident, wild and fully aware of its own sacredness, instinct and impact. Kilian and Madelon take you outdoors for daily yoga & meditation, activities for flexibility and resilience, including easy climbing, hiking, nature discovery, creative group work, improvisational movement, free style music jams and personal coaching. Return home nurtured, inspired, and connected to a global tribe of new soul friends!
All-inclusive: € 2080,= for 9 nights in lovely Can Portell group accommodations, 3 delicious healthy meals a day, a celebration night, group transportation to outdoor activities, all instruction and taxes. English, German, Dutch, French, Italian & Spanish spoken.
More info: email info@tigertraining.me Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ tigertraining.me/
Your guides:
Madelon Evers is Dutch-Canadian nomad who works all over the world. Her focus for the last 25 years has been to contribute to the evolution of human consciousness and create paths to a healthy and inspiring way of life in harmony with nature. She is a cofounder of leadership coaching company lifetree.co.uk and is a certified systemic nature therapist.
Kilian Raetzo is a Swiss climbing, yoga and meditation teacher, certified coach and group presenter. He brings decades of experience and energy to positive change work for individuals and society. He is a global mind activist, founder of several initiatives for conscious change, a deep soul diver and a campfire guitarist.
“Wisdom, Happiness, and Courage are not waiting somewhere out beyond sight at the end of a straight line; they’re part of a continuous cycle that begins right here. They’re not only the ending, but the beginning as well.” Benjamin Hoff, the Tao of Pooh
“We are offering an Early bird special: Euros 1850 all-in, for the first 8 people who are fully paid and registered by 10 Feb 2017.
Full price is 2080 Euros all inclusive.”